Using A Self-Storage Unit As Your Very Own Library

12 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog


If you are a lover of books but don't have enough space in your home for your collection, a self-storage unit can offer the additional storage space you need. However, you can do more than just store away your books. Use these tips to create a personal library in your self-storage unit.

Invest In Cabinet Storage

You won't want your tomes to get damaged by dust, so consider using cabinets instead of open bookshelves to organize your collection. Choose study cabinets with adjustable interior shelving, so you can store large coffee table books as well as smaller paperback novels. Metal storage cabinets are ideal for this purpose, but if you want to dress up your personal library space, you can opt for more decorative cabinets with glass doors.

Create A Reading Corner

If you will be spending time reading in your library, be sure to create a cozy seating corner. A floor lamp with an adjustable reading light can provide the illumination you need, but you'll want to be sure that your storage unit has electrical access. If it does not, you can make do with battery-powered LED lanterns. Add a plush area rug and an over-stuffed armchair to the space, and complete your reading corner with a side table or coffee table.

Protect Your Furnishings

In between uses, you'll want to protect your furniture and your books from damage. Use a canvas drop cloth or tarp to keep your chair and table free from dust, and consider using a large tarp to protect your book cabinets. It's also a good idea to have a small vacuum in the unit so you can remove cobwebs or other debris from your library/storage unit.

Catalog Your Books

With advances in technology, you can quickly and easily catalog your book collection. Cataloging software, smartphone apps, and bar code scanners and printers can help you to create an inventory system for your books, so you can access the full list of titles and authors whenever you need to. This comes in handy when you are looking for a particular book or when you are shopping and want to make sure you aren't purchasing a duplicate. If you aren't sure which types of software or apps to use, talk to your local bookstore owner for some helpful advice.

You are serious about your books, and you want a place where you can enjoy them and keep them safely stored away. Use these ideas to create your own personal library in a self-storage unit. Contact a company like Security Self Storage to learn more.