Properly Pack Your Porcelain Dolls For Your Move

11 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog


As you prepare your porcelain doll collection for your move, there are a few important steps to take to make sure that the dolls arrive in the same condition in which they left your home. Below, you will learn some very helpful advice to help you wrap and pack your dolls to protect them during transport and storage.

Start with a Good Cleaning

The worst thing you can do to your dolls is to pack them away without cleaning them first. Doing so could result in discolorations and stains that cannot be undone.

If the dolls are fairly clean, you can probably get away with just giving them a good dusting. Use some compressed air to blow the dust off or a Swiffer duster to remove the dust.

For dolls with dirt stuck to their faces, hands and hard shoes, you will need to put a little more effort into preparing them. Get some Q-tips and rubbing alcohol. Dip the Q-tip in the alcohol and begin cleaning the dirt off of the dolls. Don't forget the neck and ears. Wipe the doll clean with a soft white cloth and set it aside.

To spot clean clothing, get a small amount of laundry detergent in a dish and mix it with some cool water. Don't use warm water or you could cause the colors in the fabric to bleed. Use a cotton ball to blot the area clean, followed by a clean white cloth to blot it dry.

Allow the dolls to sit out for a day or two to completely dry before continuing to the packing process.

Pack them for the Trip

Take a trip to your local wine or liquor store. They have boxes that are large, durable and have built-in dividers. These boxes are perfect for moving your porcelain dolls.

The way that you prepare the doll will depend greatly on the type of hair it has. Dolls with straight hair can be slid into a tube-sock head first. This will keep the straight hair in position. Then, when you go to unpack and display her, you will need to simply roll the sock off of the doll and put her in place.

Dolls with curly hair need to be loosely wrapped in tissue paper and then a sheet of blank newspaper. If you don't have blank newspaper, you can use the tissue paper first, then a plastic bag and then regular newspaper. You want to keep the ink from the newspaper away from the doll itself.

Slide each doll into a slot in the liquor or wine box. Use tissue paper to fill in the gaps so that they don't move around. Note which dolls you have in the box on the side of the box and tape the top closed. Mark the boxes as fragile and set them aside for the move.

Using these tips, your dolls will make it from your old home to your new one in the exact condition in which they were in the day you decided to make the move.