All Your Kids Fly The Coop? Tips To Make Moving Into A Smaller Home That Much Easier

12 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog


If your kids have all left the nest, and you're moving into smaller place, it's time to start planning for the actual move. Moving can be quite a difficult task, especially when it involves considerable downsizing. If you've decided to sell the large family home and move into something smaller, here are some tips that will help you make the task easier to accomplish.

Hire a Moving Company

Now that you're planning the big move, the first thing you need to do is hire a moving company. It might have been easy to take care of do-it-yourself moves when you were younger. However, now that you're older, it's a good idea to utilize the services of a moving company, especially if you're dealing with mobility issues. One of the many benefits of hiring a moving company is that they'll do all the heavy lifting for you, which means you won't have to worry about injuring yourself during the move.

Use the Floor Plan of the New House

Now that you're preparing to move into a smaller home, you'll need to make sure that your furniture will fit. To do that, you'll need to make use of the floor plan for your new home. Map out the size of each room and then measure your furniture. From that, you'll be able to determine which pieces will fit and which ones will need to be placed in storage or sold.

Get the Family to Help

Now that you're going to be downsizing, it's important to get the family involved. Your adult kids will want to be involved in the process of sorting through your personal belongings, especially if you're going to be donating a good portion of your property. Now's a good time to let your kids go through and take mementos and other items that are special to them. Not only that but while they're there, they can help with the task of tossing out the clutter that you no longer want.

Arrange for Additional Trash Services

Now that you'll be clearing out some of the clutter that has collected over the years, you'll need disposal space. It's not convenient to make repeated trips to the dump. However, there is a way to bring the local dump to your doorstep. All you need to do is rent a dumpster while you're preparing for your move. You can have all the stuff you're tossing out taken right to the dumpster. When it's filled, the trash company will come out and haul it away to the dump for you.

For more help, contact a company like Kaster Moving Co Inc today.